View: Preface | 1-15 | 16-30 | 31-45 | 46-60 | 61-69


Weather Predictor for Feedforward Control Working on the Summer Data

A. Mountis and G. Levermore

Univ. of Manchester, UK

Pages: 334-340

Abstract | Full Text: PDF (753kB)

Image De-Noising Based on the Statistical Modelling of Wavelet Coefficients and Quad-Tree Decomposition

J. Ellinas1 and D. Manolakis2  

1Technol. Educ. Inst. of Piraeus, Greece,  2Alexander Technol. Educ. Inst. of Thessaloniki, Greece

Pages: 341-347

Abstract | Full Text: PDF (2033kB)

A Hardware Structure for Time-to-Impact Computation Using Log-Polar Images

A. Gasteratos, P. Gonidis and I. Andreadis

Democritus Univ. of Thrace, Xanthi, Greece

Pages: 348-353

Abstract | Full Text: PDF (341kB)

Towards Text Recognition in Natural Scene Images

B. Gatos, I. Pratikakis and S. Perantonis

Inst. of Informatics and Telecommunications, NCSR “DEMOKRITOS”, Athens, Greece

Pages: 354-359

Abstract | Full Text: PDF (420kB)

Image Analysis Using Moments

L. Kotoulas and I. Andreadis

Democritus Univ. of Thrace, Xanthi, Greece

Pages: 360-364

Abstract | Full Text: PDF (162kB)

Plant Leaves Classification Based on Morphological Features and a Fuzzy Surface Selection Technique

P. Tzionas1, S. Papadakis2  and D. Manolakis1

1Alexander Technol. Educ. Inst. of Thessaloniki, Greece,  2Technol. Educ. Inst. of Kavala, Greece

Pages: 365-370

Abstract | Full Text: PDF (2630kB)

Content-Based Image Retrieval Using Cellular Automata

K. Konstantinidis, G. Sirakoulis and I. Andreadis

Democritus Univ. of Thrace, Xanthi, Greece

Pages: 371-375

Abstract | Full Text: PDF (220kB)

Enhancement of Sight Effectiveness by Dual Infrared System: Evaluation of Image Fusion Strategies

G. Corsini1, M. Diani1, A. Masini1 and M. Cavallini2

1Univ. di Pisa, Italy,  2Galileo Avionica, Firenze, Italy

Pages: 376-381

Abstract | Full Text: PDF (443kB)

User Profiling for Fraud Detection in Telecommunication Networks

C. Hilas1 and J. Sahalos2

1Technol. Educ. Inst. of Serres, Greece,  2Aristotle Univ. of Thessaloniki, Greece

Pages: 382-387

Abstract | Full Text: PDF (189kB)



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