Paper Submission
Complete manuscripts in PDF format must be electronically submitted for review no later than 30 May 2005 at the following address:
Language: The official language of the conference is English.
The authors
should submit three PDF files:
Full paper: Submitted manuscripts -in English only- should be six (6) pages in IEEE two-column format, including figures, tables and references. Author guidelines and sample papers can be found in the following template files:
Additional guidelines and related information can be found in IEEE web site
In order to ensure a double
blind review a PDF file identical to the previous one but
without the
names and affiliation of the authors must be also submitted.
Digest file: A file with paper title, author names and affiliations, corresponding author, email addresses, phone and fax numbers, abstract of the paper and keywords must be also submitted. Sample digest files:
in MS word or download zip file
Accepted papers: Accepted papers should be six (6) pages in IEEE two-column PDF format, including figures, tables and references.
Important notice: There is a limit of 2 papers submitted /author (The same author name must NOT appear in more than 2 papers, in any order).